An “Ingredient” Household
Ingredient household starts here.
Homestead Ramblings…
We are beginning our sixth year here on the farm! Six years goes incredibly fast, like a flash, when you are perpetually busy and sometimes totally overwhelmed. This spring is the first year that I am feeling a bit more comfortable and slightly less overwhelmed. Of course that may change in the blink of an eye, but Lord willing we will keep on swimming and avoid the sinking!
After the cloud of the last 4 years; inflation, threats to the economy along with the perpetual feeling of unrest in the country wore on us all, I was led to the comfort of what I call “My Island”. Let me explain what that is…
Shortly after we moved to the homestead the country was locked down with restrictions. Now we had always been an “Ingredient Houshold” snack food and instant foods had never really been a focus. What we did have, was every ingredient under the sun to make anything you could find a recipe for! Quick snack grabs were to make a batch of cookies or some pasta, or a plate of nachos. A pizza pocket would have been a rare treat. (I was not yet in my anti-processed food era, but still did not believe it was a great choice) Now, fast food is sourdough pizza crust in the freezer ready for a 15 minute dinner plan after working in the garden too late!
While others were fighting over toilet paper in the stores, I had a closet full on hand. Not because I had been the first to get to the fight, but because I believe in keeping a stash of items I may not get to town for, especially since “town” is 45 minutes away. While people were panicking about flour and everything else that was missing or “sold out” of the supply chain at that time, I was working in my garden, enjoying life like any given day, knowing I had a pantry full of “ingredients”.
There is a huge sense of peace that comes from knowing your food does not depend on what’s on the grocery shelves in a situation like that. This only solidified in my heart that the path of “Food Freedom” was deep in my soul and that God has blessed us with the space and lifestyle to achieve it!
So back to “My Island”…, A place where there is a bounty of food, a community of like minded people with wonderful hearts, a place of peace, a place close to God’s creations, and a place to lay my head at night.
Here on the farm, the island lives on, the pantry is bursting with “ingredients” and the coffee beans are well stocked. There is enough toilet paper for a couple of months and making a meal would be possible for a long time. We are not “preppers” by any means, but believe in knowing how to perpetually grow, raise, or build what we may need.
Overwhelm is a state of mind. Some days, that’s hard to take, and other days easier to appreciate. Our days are full from sun up to sun down, often even after the sun sets this time of year. Yet, I feel blessed by this lifestyle and know with each turn that The Lord is walking with us on this path.
I hope you all have a Blessed day!